
SC Mississippi News

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Most students in Rankin County schools are Male in 2021-2022 school year

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Of the 22,669 students in Rankin County schools, 51.2% were men and 48.8% were women, according to the Mississippi Department of Education.

The previous year, the student body across Rankin County schools was 51.3% men and 48.7% women.

Northwest Rankin High School in Flowood had the highest number of boy and girl students.

There are 32 schools within Rankin County.

Mississippi has continually struggled with public education. The most recent Report Card on American Education, from a right-leaning think tank, gave the state a C-. This is consistent with ratings stretching back nearly one decade.

The nonpartisan Education Week also ranked Mississippi schools as C- in their most recent analysis.

Rankin County Schools by Gender in 2021-2022 school year

Brandon Elementary School393362
Brandon High School813807
Brandon Middle School646594
Florence Elementary School271251
Florence High School370350
Florence Middle School325315
Flowood Elementary School241223
Highland Bluff Elementary School294269
McLaurin Attendance Center250268
McLaurin Elementary School286270
Northshore Elementary School295254
Northside Elementary School273281
Northwest Elementary School237253
Northwest Rankin High School906890
Northwest Rankin Middle School741690
Oakdale Elementary School272278
Pearl High School648562
Pearl Junior High School504489
Pearl Lower Elementary School373341
Pearl Upper School306294
Pelahatchie Attendance Center192173
Pelahatchie Elementary School197209
Pisgah Elementary School256238
Pisgah High School200221
Puckett Attendance Center180166
Puckett Elementary School180185
Richland Elementary School212202
Richland High School436400
Richland Upper Elementary School257254
Rouse Elementary377374
Steen's Creek Elementary291259
Stonebridge Elementary380345
Some information provided by the Mississippi Department of Education may be incomplete.